Posts Tagged ‘infographic’

February 18th, 2014 - 1:52 pm § in Humanities, STEM

Farmville vs Real Farms

Here’s an interesting comparison between virtual world games and how people behave in them, compared to the real world.  This infographic comparers various statistics between Farmville farms, from Facebook and real farms across the country and around the world.  Interestingly, while 930 million [...]

November 19th, 2013 - 1:32 pm § in Humanities, IGAD

East Meets West

Yang Liu was born in China, but has lived in German since she was 14. A celebrated designer, Liu recently released a graphic exhibit that illustrates her observations about differences between East (China) and West (Germany). The exhibit has been re-interpreted as a series of Infographics.  Just Go[...]

October 30th, 2013 - 2:04 pm § in Humanities, IGAD

Top 10 Most Visited Cities – 2013

I suspect that many more of us, today, travel to distant lands, more frequently, than ever before. So where do we go? MasterCard has just released its Top 20 Global Destination Cities for 2013. Many will not surprise you, but some, perhaps, may. Here is an infographic that shows the top ten. It migh[...]

October 29th, 2013 - 12:35 pm § in history, IGAD, STEM

A Perspective on Time

There are a few things that are really difficult to convey to students. I remember how hard it was to help my social studies students understand what caused the seasons. Yes, I taught a lot of science while teaching social studies. Distance and time, on the outset, seem simple. But comprehending the[...]

September 26th, 2011 - 1:01 am § in Health, Humanities, STEM

Internet se hará más global

I had initially decided to skip this infographic, brought to my attention via TICS Y FORMACIÓN and Alfredo Vela Zancada. But an Internet that is becoming more global has potential consequences that may be worth discussing in Social Studies class, Science, Math, and even Health. What does it do to t[...]

September 23rd, 2011 - 1:01 am § in Humanities, Miscellaneous

Who's Using What Media and When?

It is getting harder and harder to separate the fun from the important. I’m posting this one on fun Friday, even though the infographic from this Magi Generational Strategies study tells a story. From the AdAgeBlogs post, A new study by Magid Generational Strategies breaks down who’s usi[...]

September 21st, 2011 - 1:01 am § in featured, Humanities

American Men are Happier than Women?

Here’s an infographic I ran across while trying out the iPad app, which apparently helps me to read the stories that people in my network are reading.  I do not remember who I found this through and Alltop is not one of my usual channels, but the graphic is quite interesting. One of t[...]

September 2nd, 2011 - 1:01 am § in Humanities, Miscellaneous

Dirty and Otherwise

OK, for the fun of it, what words are used most often in the titles of the top ten highest grossing films per year in the U.S. from 1921 to 2010.  It’s a burning questions that is almost certainly trending in the socialverse!  Well, here’s the answer (to the right). From Very Small Arr[...]

August 31st, 2011 - 1:01 am § in Humanities, STEM

Tabla periódica sobre datos de Internet en el mundo #infografia #infographic #internet

The periodic table of elements is an example I use when talking about “There’s nothing new about infographics.” So it is a theme that rises again and again for expressing a specific structure of data. Here is one such treating by Appfrica Labs, “a consultancy focusing on soft[...]

August 30th, 2011 - 1:01 am § in Humanities

Growth of newspapers across the United States

Last week I posted timeline infographic that illustrated the American westward movement by way of the opening of U.S. Post Offices. Here, from Flowing Data, is something similar that timelines the opening of U.S. Newspapers.  You can watch a video here, but the author of the graphic, Stanford Unive[...]