Archive for June, 2013

June 18th, 2013 - 9:13 pm § in Uncategorized

Birth & Death Rate World Map

This is a rather morbid, but important infographic for two reasons. One, it is important to realize the birth and death rates around the world. What causes an increased birth or death rate in one part of the country? How does our country compare? Why is our country different from another area? Secon[...]

June 9th, 2013 - 9:11 pm § in Data Sources, Data Visualizations, featured, Humanities

100 Years of Change

Argumentatively, more has changed in the past 100 years, than in any 100 year period before, as this infographic shows. The first step in teaching this infographic, and teaching any part of history, is to consider the cause and impact of these changes. While most students, and many administrators, m[...]

June 5th, 2013 - 9:02 am § in Uncategorized

Ten Most Spoken Languages

When your students are deciding what language to specialize in, this infographic may come in handy, and may hold some surprises. This infographic shows the ten most spoken languages in the world, and where they are spoken. However, students shouldn’t just factor in the most spoken language all[...]

June 2nd, 2013 - 10:11 pm § in Uncategorized

Stephen King Flow Chart

While you may not be introducing Stephen King into your classroom, this is a great example of how to create a flow chart while reading books by the same author, or by similar authors. It is important to make connections as you read in order to help you remember and comprehend what is read, and [&hel[...]