American Men are Happier than Women?

Here’s an infographic I ran across while trying out the iPad app, which apparently helps me to read the stories that people in my network are reading.  I do not remember who I found this through and Alltop is not one of my usual channels, but the graphic is quite interesting.

One of the reasons that this particular graphic’s story struck me is another set of data that I heard during a podcast I was listening to the other day.  I can’t validate the data, and will not share the numbers.  But the message was that men in America are falling behind women, at least educationally.  Grades, test scores, the percentage graduating high school, entering and finish college are astonishingly skewed toward girls and women.  It might be interesting to find some of that data on gender shifts in American and compare that with this graphic, asking students to project what it might look like ten or twenty years from now.

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David Warlick

… Sent from my iPad …



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