Technology changes with time. As one piece of technology becomes superior, another becomes inferior. This infographic portrays something interesting, iPod sales and iTunes songs purchased increased together until the mid and late 2000s, but by 2010, iPod sales were decreasing while iTunes sales cont[...]
Archive for the ‘IGAD’ Category
The Beginning of Everything: The Big Bang
This infographic video goes through the the history of the Big Bang theory, both it’s discovery and how it worked. It is important to explain to your students that it is important to understand this theory, even if they do not believe it. It is important to appreciate and understand different [...]
30 Insane Facts About Sleep
Begin this class on a survey of how your students sleep. What hours do your students sleep? How much sleep do your students get per night? How do your students personal habits affect sleep patterns? Young adults may not realize the importance of sleep, or simply choose to ignore the necessity of it.[...]
Engineering and Curiosity
What of these complex machines do you use in class? What complex machines do you and your students use every day? How will you use these machines to teach your students? One idea for teaching your students over the course of a year could be the development of discoveries from the simple to the compl[...]
The Universe in Numbers
This infographic is an entertaining video on various aspects of the Universe. It goes into size, age, and different aspects of our universe. There are several important things that can be taught using this infographic. First of all, it does go against the Biblical idea that Earth is only 6,000 years[...]
International Space Relations
In the 1960s, it was every child’s dream to be an astronaut. This was the age of the space race, or who would get into orbit and to the moon first. Of course, Russia beat America in getting into space, but we beat Russia in getting to the moon. With the International Space Station, it [&hellip[...]
Timeline of the Far Future
The good news shared by this infographic is that Earth should still be around for at least another one hundred quintillion years, at which point everything that is not biodegradable will be destroyed, although this infographic does mention even the decay of titanium in laptops. But this infographic [...]
DNA Explained
This short video on DNA is an overview of the details of what DNA is, and what can be done with it. The video goes from explaining the correlation of DNA and genetic material, to comparing it with other living things, to Genetically Modified Organisms. While GMOs are a very controversial subject, th[...]
The Physics of Santa Claus
Luckily for children everywhere, a group of physicists believe Santa is real, and have worked out how he is capable of giving toys to children around the world. They deal with the issue of his bag, seeing millions of children, if not a billion, children on a single night, and of course making all hi[...]