Archive for the ‘STEM’ Category

April 28th, 2014 - 4:19 pm § in Data Sources, Data Visualizations, STEM, STEM

The Beginning of Everything: The Big Bang

This infographic video goes through the the history of the Big Bang theory, both it’s discovery and how it worked. It is important to explain to your students that it is important to understand this theory, even if they do not believe it. It is important to appreciate and understand different [...]

April 22nd, 2014 - 2:50 pm § in Data Sources, Data Visualizations, history, Humanities, STEM

The History of Press (Printing)

We are taught that Johann Gutenberg created the first printing press. But this infographic goes back to an older printer in 618 AC. It also says that Gutenberg’s was the first movable type. So why are we (or at least I) taught that Gutenberg invented the first printing press, and before this i[...]

April 14th, 2014 - 1:06 am § in Data Sources, Data Visualizations, STEM, STEM

Engineering and Curiosity

What of these complex machines do you use in class? What complex machines do you and your students use every day? How will you use these machines to teach your students? One idea for teaching your students over the course of a year could be the development of discoveries from the simple to the compl[...]

April 8th, 2014 - 4:55 pm § in Data Sources, Data Visualizations, history, STEM

The History of Opportunity

In the opinion of you and your students, what was the biggest development that has led to our modern day life? The Gutenberg Press, the typewriter, electricity, the computer? How can your students harness this technology in order to take advantage of the opportunities this infographic claims there i[...]

April 7th, 2014 - 12:54 am § in Data Sources, Data Visualizations, STEM, STEM

The Universe in Numbers

This infographic is an entertaining video on various aspects of the Universe. It goes into size, age, and different aspects of our universe. There are several important things that can be taught using this infographic. First of all, it does go against the Biblical idea that Earth is only 6,000 years[...]

March 3rd, 2014 - 7:03 pm § in Data Sources, Data Visualizations, STEM, STEM

DNA Explained

This short video on DNA is an overview of the details of what DNA is, and what can be done with it. The video goes from explaining the correlation of DNA and genetic material, to comparing it with other living things, to Genetically Modified Organisms. While GMOs are a very controversial subject, th[...]

February 18th, 2014 - 1:52 pm § in Humanities, STEM

Farmville vs Real Farms

Here’s an interesting comparison between virtual world games and how people behave in them, compared to the real world.  This infographic comparers various statistics between Farmville farms, from Facebook and real farms across the country and around the world.  Interestingly, while 930 million [...]

December 23rd, 2013 - 10:49 pm § in Data Sources, Data Visualizations, STEM

Winter Storms

The weather is an area of science that has only recently been fully understood. For centuries, people have known the difference between rain and snow, have recognized the change in temperature throughout the year, and have even realized the impact of air pressure on weather. However, only since mode[...]

December 16th, 2013 - 10:32 pm § in Data Sources, Humanities, STEM

Inside the International Space Station

To go up into space and live for a period of time is the dream of many children, but one that is reached by few adults. It takes a peak of physical health, a high level of intelligence, and a great deal of training. There are also a great deal of people who meet these […][...]

November 7th, 2013 - 1:43 pm § in STEM

A Visualization of Science “Brain Drain”

This is one of the infographics that is not so easy to read, but well worth the effort.  It maps out the flow of scientific research talent across 16 countries.  Created by information designer, Giorgia Lupi and here team in Italy, as a follow-up to several celebrated graphics (this and this[...]