High-resolution maps of science


Ask any scientist (which I consider as anyone interested in science) and they will tell you that the science one learns in school is relevant to each other. For instance, the chemical formulations learned about in Chemistry create and change physical entities which one may learn about in Biology. It is impossible to completely separate any science. This infographic is a web that shows that various sciences are related to one another, and which ones are most relatable.
But this infographic goes beyond just the classic sciences of Chemistry and Biology. It includes the study of nearly anything. It includes connections such as child psychology and language. While taking an Introduction to Psychology course in college, we learned about how the brain works, how chemicals affect it, and how chemicals are moved around it. We learned about Chemistry. Science can be helpful in nearly any profession, and I know I have used it in my daily life.
Show this to students who say things such as “Why do I need to know this, I’m going to be a (something seemingly completely unrelated to Science).” Challenge them to make the connections. Many students already have ideas as to what they want to do, or at least what they are interested in. Studying sound waves can help aspiring musicians. Studying chemical reactions can help aspiring chefs. Use this infographic to make the information relevant. The students may still not want to learn it (I know I didn’t want to learn Bloom’s Taxonomy), but there will come a day soon that they will realize they can use the information, and it will make them a little more excited, or interested, in learning about Science.

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