What seven billion people looks like

There’s nothing new about density maps. But this one, Dencity, is perhaps clearer and mor interesting than most. From the Dencity site:

Denci­ty maps pop­u­la­tion den­si­ty using cir­cles of var­i­ous size and hue. Larg­er, dark­er cir­cles show areas with fewer peo­ple, while small­er, brighter cir­cles high­light crowd­ed cities. Rep­re­sent­ing denser areas with small­er cir­cles results in addi­tion­al geo­graph­ic detail where there are more peo­ple, while sparse­ly pop­u­lat­ed areas are more vague­ly defined.

There is not a whole lot that you can tell about this map from the web site.  For the entire story, you have to fork over the $30 for the poster, which might actually be a nice addition to a geography classroom.  What I found interesting were some of the explanations by cutouts, that “China is home to six of the twenty most populous cities in the world,” that India and Pakistan’s “Delhi and Karachi are the second and third most populous cities in the world.”

They do not actually explain in the blog post, but this map appears to have a dot for every (some number) people.  So populated areas have many more smaller dots, where spacely populated spaces are illustrated by larger dots.

I wonder what this map might look like if the dots were all the same size.

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