Today’s infographic may be a bit outdated. It is based off of information gathered in 2010, but I believe that it is still relevant today. It explores the demographics of students who procure their information online. It explores their age, race, income, and reason for using distance learning. It also does so using a variety of pie graphs that may be useful to show your students.
Distance learning is becoming more and more common. More people are wanting to become students than there are desks and chairs, and by using distance learning, the classroom can be as big as the world (literally). Most students have turned to this because of convenience. One can attend class while going to work (if not driving), over a meal, or sitting on your couch. Students no longer have to take time off from work in order to attend a class. It can also be used in any grade level. If a teacher knows they will be absent, they can pre-record themselves and have the sub play it. Or if they know a professional that does a great job of teaching a lesson, they can set up a video chat.
What I find most interesting about this inforgraphic, as far as sharing it with the class, would be the amazing use pie graphs. They were able to share eleven pieces of information by using one pie. When sharing similar bits of information, challenge your students to adopt this method, first with just two bits of information, and then add on.