We love spending – Valentine's 2012

Today’s infographicis about today’s holiday, Valentine’s Day. It is one of the most controversial holidays without much reason to be. Religious holidays can understandably offend some people, but a holiday that is only offensive because certain people aren’t lucky in love? But this holiday also involves spending a lot of money just to show how much you love someone.
What I found most interesting, however, was at the bottom. After many statistics, there was a *, so I scrolled to the bottom of the infographic and came across a website, the website from which the creators got many of their statistics:
www.statisticbrain.com. Introduce this website to your students to assist them in creating their own infographics.
Tags: spending, statisticbrain, statistics, valentine's day
Posted 14 Feb 2012 by Ryann Warlick
in Data Sources, featured, Humanities, STEM