Archive for the ‘Humanities’ Category

June 9th, 2013 - 9:11 pm § in Data Sources, Data Visualizations, featured, Humanities

100 Years of Change

Argumentatively, more has changed in the past 100 years, than in any 100 year period before, as this infographic shows. The first step in teaching this infographic, and teaching any part of history, is to consider the cause and impact of these changes. While most students, and many administrators, m[...]

May 21st, 2013 - 12:31 am § in Data Sources, Data Visualizations, Humanities

The History of Learning

How times have changed. There was once a time when many people would have loved an opportunity to attend school and still learn. There are still people like this today. Those who were educated were highly looked up to by everyone. But now, students are bored and most do not want to attend school. Wh[...]

May 9th, 2013 - 1:42 am § in Data Sources, Humanities, STEM, STEM

How Storms Affect Businesses

Application of information is the only reason to gain information, and thus it is a very important skill that was not adequately taught when I was in school. It is useless to make students memorize and recall information, if they don’t know how they can use it later in life. This is why I have[...]

April 30th, 2013 - 1:14 am § in featured, Humanities, STEM

The Most Amazing Construction Projects

Constructing a building takes into consideration a great deal as this infographic shares. To begin with, the materials, climate, and foundation must sustain the structure, there must be enough men and women to complete the project with enough knowledge to put into the construction, finances are a ma[...]

April 28th, 2013 - 10:09 pm § in Data Sources, Data Visualizations, Humanities, STEM

2,000 Years of Continental Climate Changes

This infographic, found on Cool Infographics, shows how the climate has changed over the past 2,000 years in seven regions of the world (nearly all five continents, but not quite). Each color change represents the 30 year mean, and the increase and decrease of the temperature over time can be viewed[...]

April 24th, 2013 - 8:08 pm § in Data Sources, Humanities, Uncategorized

Eye-Opening Statistics on Littering

Littering is a big problem in our country. A single cup may not make a difference, but if everyone threw away a single cup, it would add up very quickly. At the same time, seeing someone recycle may make someone else recycle. So you recycling your one can make make someone else do the same. [&hellip[...]

March 20th, 2013 - 9:05 pm § in Data Sources, Data Visualizations, Humanities

History of Home Heating

Imagine your home without heating or cooling. Imagine having to bundle up inside in order to stay warm. Some people are still faced with this today, and my home actually does not have central heating or AC. But it is still much better than 100 years ago. This infographic is a great example of a [&he[...]

March 17th, 2013 - 11:16 pm § in Data Sources, Data Visualizations, Humanities

War and Peace

This infographic found on is a great infographic about major wars of since America became a country. It goes through every war, from the American Revolution to post 9/11 and shows the amount of time spent in battle, the amount of money spent on war, and the number of lives lost. According [...]

March 11th, 2013 - 1:50 am § in Data Sources, Data Visualizations, featured, Humanities, STEM

Employers Identify Top 5 Job Skills

The other day I came up with a great way to give extra credit while strengthening your students. Giving extra credit for bringing in necessary supplies, such as tissues, is great, but students who give an extra push that will help them later on in life should get rewarded. Tangible rewards are one o[...]

March 6th, 2013 - 1:01 am § in featured, Humanities, STEM

Amount of Water Wasted at your Home

As you, and some of your students, know, the water bill is not very expensive. It is not typically something people think about when they try to cut expenses. But what people don’t think about, is the impact on the environment. Growing up, I would see commercials about this, but not as many an[...]