One of my biggest pet peeves (that I am very guilty of) is the increasing ability for people to connect with others without actually connecting. With every new technology, there have been people that have said “this will be the downfall of society.” Beginning with the telephone, continuing with e-mail, and now social networks. People are able to keep up with their friends without making an effort. This particular infographic, found on, shows “who does all the texting.”
The answer is young adults, those fresh on their own, those in their 20s. It would be interesting to poll your class, your subject/grade level and the school to see who in your own community does the same. Who does the most texting in your school? Why do the students think this group does? Why do the students think people in their 20s do?
I am right in the middle of this category, and so I decided to look to myself for answers. I believe it has to do with where texting was when we were teenagers. I, and most of my friends, received our first cell phones when we were 16, when we were about to begin driving. In the few years previous to this, cell phones had become affordable enough that nearly everyone had one, who was driving, or may need to communicate while away from home. I do remember that my phone had texting abilities, but this was well before plans and they cost money. But with those who are in their 20s now, this was the newest technology when we were coming of age.
But I do think society would be better with more interaction. What do your students think? How often do they meet with friends to catch up, rather than checking on Facebook? When they do meet with friends, do they feel as though they would have more to talk about if they didn’t know as much? Challenge your students to not text or use social networks for a week and then sit down with a friend. How is their conversation?