My Thursday data posts are the hardest ones to find and put together. It’s not that there aren’t a lot of data stories out there. It’s just that this a raw material, rather than finished product — the infographics.
This one seems to be telling an obvious story that your students may want to use their imaginations to tell with graphics. It’s the April report on book sales, posted bo Publishers Weekly.
Sales of the three adult trade segments had a steep decline in April, hurt no doubt by Borders and its going out of business sales. The major houses, who are among the publishers that report to AAP’s monthly sales report, were shipping selectively to Borders on a cash basis during the month and received no money generated by the GOB sales of existing inventory. As a result, sales of adult hardcover fell by 22.7% in April from the 19 companies that report to AAP, while trade paperback sales at 21 houses fell 25.4%. Sales of mass market paperback, for which Borders is an important outlet, plunged 41.6% for the 11 reporting houses. Sales in the children’s/YA segment rose 1.5% in April from 18 houses, but children’s/YA paperback sales declined 7.2%.
Tabular Version: