Archive for the ‘Humanities’ Category

September 19th, 2013 - 12:50 am § in Data Sources, Data Visualizations, Humanities

Genetically Wired

Depending on the age of your students, most of them are beginning to experiment with one major drug. Caffeine. This infographic goes through the aspects of coffee and caffeine, including cities that indulge in it, countries that indulge in it, and various other facts about it. But it does so in an i[...]

September 18th, 2013 - 12:44 am § in Data Sources, Data Visualizations, Humanities

History of Activisim

Nearly every major figure in our history acted for what they thought was the common good. From our own George Washington, to Germany’s Adolf Hitler, they all had this in common. In addition, they all sparked some sort of change. Martin Luther helped spark religious reform. Martin Luther King J[...]

September 17th, 2013 - 11:22 pm § in Data Sources, Data Visualizations, Humanities

Edgar Allan Poe: A Graphic Tribute

Edgar Allan Poe is an important author to introduce your students to. He wrote very well, but also very dark. As this infographic shows, he did not have a great life, and so this probably influenced his writing greatly. I have actually visited the cemetery in which his mother is buried in Richmond, [...]

September 13th, 2013 - 1:06 am § in Data Visualizations, Humanities, STEM

Know Your Toilet

Your student’s may giggle at this infographic, but “no invention has saved more lives than a toilet. Billions still lack one. Lack of sanitation is the world’s biggest cause of infection. All of this, entirely preventable.” This quote is entirely true and taken from[...]

September 12th, 2013 - 12:25 am § in Data Visualizations, Humanities

A Literary Map of the United States

There are many maps that put people or ideas in a location on a map to show where they are from, and I believe it is a great idea. It shows the regional differences and allows the viewer to compare different parts of the United States. In this instance, the creator of this infographic put […][...]

September 11th, 2013 - 12:38 am § in Data Sources, Humanities

Ten Largest Museums in the World

Have your students name museums that are not local (unless you live in NYC or Washington, DC). How many of those museums are listed in this infographic? This infographic shares the largest museums in the world, the year they were built, the number of annual visitors, and their location. Have any of [...]

September 10th, 2013 - 11:07 pm § in Data Sources, Data Visualizations, Humanities

Adjectives: Degrees of Comparison

This infographic, found on the blog LEARNIST is a great way to show what an adjective is. My parents spoke with proper grammar, and taught me to do the same. Several times, I have been complimented on my grammar. But in fact, beyond a noun and a verb, I could not tell you the names of […][...]

September 6th, 2013 - 1:01 am § in Data Sources, Data Visualizations, featured, Humanities

How Geeks Have Evolved Over Time

When one thinks about a “geek,” one often thinks of someone of a higher level of intelligence, one who is interested in advanced technology. As this infographic shares, the origin of this word can be found in the 1500s from a word meaning fool, and another word from the 1700s from a word[...]

September 5th, 2013 - 1:01 am § in Data Sources, Data Visualizations, Humanities

Obesity in the US, Visualized

“In 1995, none of the states has an obese population greater than 21%. By 2011, the leanest state, Colorado, has an obesity rate of slightly greater than 21%.” A disturbing statistic this infographic shares. Popsci shared this interactive infographic that allows you to watch the obesity [...]

September 4th, 2013 - 1:01 am § in Data Visualizations, Humanities

What are the Odds

Today’s infographic involves a lot of math and probability. It shows that there are many things stacked against us being here, as we are, today. Beginning with the probability that our parents met, and then stayed together. The infographic continues with probabilities involving a certain sperm[...]